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Everything you need to know when flying to Huatulco, Mexico during High and Low Season.
To view all available options we encourage you to use Google Flights
for the best itinerary options and connecting flight paths available from your city of origin.
The High Season in Huatulco extends from the middle of November to the middle of April
Opposite of the High Season, Huatulco's Low Season extends from the middle of April to the middle of November
Before you leave home for your Huatulco adventure, be sure that you have packed these important documents:
Click any of the airline logos shown here to view their contact information, High/Low season flight status and an up to date flight schedule.
Emilio Carranza Num 303 ESQ. Eucaliptos
Col Reforma C.P.
Flies Year Round From Mexico and Seasonally from Los Angeles (starts June 7th 2013)
Paseo de la Reforma 445,
Col. Cuauhtemoc,
Mexico City,
DF 06500
Flies During High Season
P.O. Box 14000,
H4Y 1H4
Flies During High Season
1300 Mendota Heights Road,
Mendota Heights,
Minnesota 55120
Flies Year Round
Aeropuerto de Monterrey,
Terminal C, Zona de carga,
Carretera Miguel Aleman Km. 24,
Nuevo Leon,
C.P. 66600
Flies June 7th Through August 16th
101 Northwest Point Blvd,
Elk Grove Village
IL, 60007-1019,
United States
Flies During High Season
WestJet Campus
22 Aerial Place N.E.
Calgary, Alberta,
T2E 3J1
When it comes to connecting flights, you may find more affordable options offering more flexibility when you book each leg independently. There are several flights from Mexico City to Huatulco each day on domestic airlines. We would recommend giving yourself 2.5 to 3 hours for the Mexico City connection to comfortably clear immigration/customs and then to proceed to your domestic check-in.
There are several charter companies offering direct service to Huatulco from select Canadian and US cities. These routes tyically operate from October through April. The best way to seek out your options is by using Google's Flight Finder:
For those flying to Huatulco from the west coast...you may want to take advantage of the very affordable direct flight from Tijuana to Huatulco, offered by Volaris. Travelers can access the Tijana airport through the CBX bridge from San Diego (https://www.crossborderxpress.com/en/)